Press Releases
Stay up to date with the latest in tobacco control in Wales
Smoking related deaths and hospital admissions – Public Health Wales Report
The latest report from Public Health Wales tells us that smoking is still a major cause of death and ill health in Wales, with 3,845 deaths per year among those over 35. Smoking related deaths [...]
ASH Wales Youth Vaping Survey – May 2024
NEW SURVEY REVEALS THOUSANDS OF CHILD VAPERS NOW DEPENDENT ON UNTESTED PRODUCTS ASH Wales’ new youth survey, the largest of its kind in the UK, reveals over half (55%) of all children who vape [...]
ASH Wales YouGov Survey 2024
ASH WALES / YOUGOV ANNUAL SURVEY 2024: INCREASING PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR MORE ACTION ON CIGARETTES AND VAPES Public support in Wales for more action on tobacco and nicotine control is growing, with [...]
Spring ’24 News Summary
WHAT’S NEW? A look at what we’ve been doing since January this year. Surveys, Training Workshop, Campaigns, and more… VAPING SURVEY RESULTS ASH Wales have recently conducted a [...]
New Survey: Most Welsh Businesses Support New Tobacco Laws
A new survey by ASH Wales Cymru today reveals that support for new tobacco laws among small business owners is particularly strong in Wales. As Welsh MPs prepare to debate the Tobacco and Vapes [...]
First Smoke-free Beaches in North Wales Launched on Ynys Môn
More of Wales’ stunning coastline is being protected from the devastating harms of cigarette pollution, as beaches on Ynys Môn have become the first in north Wales to sign-up to smoke-free [...]
ASH Wales celebrates 40 Years of No Smoking Day at The Senedd
This year marks the 40th year of No Smoking Day. A national awareness campaign which is intended to help smokers who want to quit, show support to those who are already on their quitting journey [...]
UK Gov: Chancellor’s Budget Announcement
New vape tax would be a welcome next step – but more action is urgently needed to achieve a Smokefree Generation and tackle youth vaping Two of Wales’ leading health charities have welcomed [...]
UK Gov: Smoke-free Generation Bill
62% of adults in Wales support the PM’s ambition to stamp out smoking ASH Wales Cymru urges the UK government to put the Smokefree Generation Bill to Parliament now Health charity ASH Wales, [...]