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Do you know your options for quitting?

Ranging from nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products to e-cigarettes, there are plenty of options available to help you quit for good.  It has also been proven using them in combination with support from stop smoking services means you have an even greater chance of success.  Here is our guide to ten stop smoking aids that will help you to achieve a smoke-free life.

 1.Will power 

Going cold turkey works for some smokers. However, many find the urge for a cigarette too overpowering. Indeed, NHS research shows that only 3 in every 100 smokers manages to stop permanently using will power alone.  If you do plan to quit by going cold turkey it may help to enlist the support of family and friends to keep you on track and to avoid stressful situations while you are withdrawing from nicotine.

2. Nicotine patches

Patches release nicotine directly into the bloodstream through the skin and help to relieve cravings and withdrawal symptoms. They can be worn for 24 hours or just while you’re awake, for 16 hours and are available in different strengths. The 24-hour patches are particularly good for those who crave cigarettes when they wake up in the morning.  Some people find that the patches irritate their skin.

3.Nicotine inhalers

Nicotine inhalers release nicotine vapour that is absorbed into the mouth and throat. Using an inhaler mimics the motion of smoking which some find helpful. Smokers feel the effects of the inhaler more quickly than gum or lozenges and it can be used to relieve sudden strong cravings.

4.Nicotine nasal spray

This is the strongest form of NRT.  It delivers a swift and effective dose of nicotine through the lining of the nose that is equivalent of smoking one cigarette. Some people do experience side effects while using a nicotine nasal spray, such as coughing and watering eyes.

5.Nicotine lozenges

These work best for delivering a short burst of nicotine to relieve cravings. They dissolve slowly in the mouth, taking up to 30 minutes.  People suck the lozenges to release the nicotine then suck again to release more when needed.

6. Nicotine chewing gum

Chewing nicotine gum delivers similar effects to lozenges. The gum comes in either 2mg or 4mg strengths. The downsides are that not everybody likes the taste and some people don’t like the sensation of keeping the gum in their mouth.

7. Nicotine microtabs

Nicotine microtabs deliver a small amount of nicotine when needed. They dissolve quickly under the tongue and are more discreet than gum or lozenges, albeit not as strong.

8. E-cigarettes

Experts estimate that e-cigarettes are at least 95 per cent less harmful than cigarettes. They allow smokers to inhale nicotine in a vapour rather than smoke and do not burn tobacco. The e-cigarettes work by heating a solution that usually contains nicotine, propylene glycol and/or vegetable glycerine and flavourings.  They come in different models and rechargeable e-cigarettes with a refillable tank deliver nicotine more effectively than a disposable model.

9. Champix (Varenicline)

This prescription tablet can be taken by smokers up to two weeks before they decide to stop smoking and for around 12 weeks in total.  The tablets are designed to reduce cravings for cigarettes and to reduce the effects of smoking. You cannot take them if you are pregnant, have some pre-existing conditions or if you are under 18-years

10. Zyban (Bupropion)

Like Champix, Zyban can be taken up to two weeks before you stop smoking and for eight weeks in total.  The tablets reduce the craving for a cigarette and won’t be prescribed if you are pregnant or under 18-years-old.

It is important to remember you are 4x more likely to quit successfully with help from stop smoking services. NHS Help Me Quit is the national stop smoking service in Wales and is just a click away. 

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