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How I beat 46 years of addiction and quit smoking during Covid-19

Susanne, from Cwmbran, quit smoking on the 5th December 2020, after 46 years of addiction. Susanne started smoking when she was just 15 and had tried to quit many times before, this time however was different…

What inspired you to quit smoking?

A few months before my Grandson asked me why I smoked but I couldn’t really give him an answer, only that I was addicted. He asked if I was bothered that it’s bad for you and can kill you.

“I am worried Granny that you won’t be here long enough to see me grow”.

This shook me, I hadn’t long lost my mum and was still grieving yet everytime I lit up I thought about my Grandson and what he’d asked me. I knew I had to do it for him and my other grandchildren.

What impact was smoking having on your life?

I suffered from really high blood pressure for years and took many different medications that didn’t seem to work, the next step would be beta blockers which I would probably be on for life. Then there was the breathlessness, I was finding it harder and harder to do things, even just walking up the stairs.

Financially I couldn’t afford to smoke but somehow I would find the money each day, no matter what. If I thought I couldn’t buy my cigarettes I would be evil, I would panic, even on occasion have a panic attack. I would lay awake at night worried in case I didn’t have enough to last until I could get out to the shops. It was having a huge impact on my mental state at this point.

Did you get any help to quit?

Wales' NHS Stop Smoking Service - Help Me Quit

Firstly I googled how to stop smoking, then I looked into what help was around locally, due to the pandemic and lockdowns there wasn’t an obvious place to go. Thankfully I came across the NHS link to Help Me Quit. I filled in my basic details and got a call back within 48 hours.

I was given a personal advisor, Vicky. We discussed my smoking habits and what NRT products would be best to help with cravings. Vicky was able to coordinate all this on the phone and sent a prescription out to me, so I could get the products I needed from the chemist free of charge! Vicky continues to call and check in with my progress. I can also call and leave a message if I do find myself struggling or have any problems with the NRT products.

How did you find the experience of quitting?

After may failed attempts over the years, I tried really hard to prepare mentally this time. I kept thinking about why I wanted to stop over and over in my mind.  I smoked the last of the cigarettes I had left, popped a 21mg patch on and haven’t looked back since. I think having a more prepared mental state of mind, continuing to tell myself why I was stopping and knowing someone was going to be ringing me weekly and supporting me helped more than I ever could have imagined. Using the NRT products also meant this has been a withdrawal symptoms free experience and I can honestly say it was so much easier than I thought it was going to be.

How has quitting smoking improved your life?

Firstly and most importantly my health has improved. I can actually do things and walk up the stairs in one go without getting breathless and have to stop. My sense of taste and smell has intensified. I can sleep better at night and have stopped having panic attacks because of cigarettes, or through fear that I was running out of them.

A massive priority for me was my Grandson, he is now so happy that I no longer smoke and is so proud of me, this means the most. The money I’ve saved will be going towards the grandchildren with an extra special amount for my grandson who pushed me and made this happen.

What advice would you give to any smokers out there who would want to quit but think they can’t do it? 

I would say try, try, and keep trying as at some point you will do it. My grandson was my motivation, find something that makes you determined to stop. Keep thinking of it for a few days before you actually stop.

I’d also definitely get in touch with the NHS FREE service, get your own advisor who will get you the right NRT products and have these to hand as soon as you have smoked that last cigarette.

Just go for it… I am almost 6 weeks smoke free and feel so much better for it. Be proud of yourself for everyday you are smoke free and with each day remember you are repairing your body from all the harmful chemicals you used to inhale.

Go for it! Be proud of yourself…..You can do it!

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