ASH Wales Cymru has welcomed the Welsh Government’s consultation on smoking in prisons and supports the plan to make all prison cells smokefree by April 2017.
The Welsh Government is consulting on a temporary exemption to the smoking ban for 12 months in order for prisons to implement smokefree cells by April 2017.
Smokefree legislation, introduced in 2007, was designed to protect people from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke. The prison service should now take urgent steps to support staff and inmates with stop smoking advice, support and nicotine replacement therapies.
We welcome the Welsh Government showing leadership and cracking down on smoking in prisons. With an estimated 80% of the prison population smoking it is important that prisons are given the time to properly implement smokefree policies.
ASH Wales Cymru works with businesses and health professionals to train staff in smoking cessation and supports them to develop smokefree policies.