With 367 votes in favour and only 113 against, the regulations have been approved by Parliament. Following this, there will be a final debate in the House of Lords on Monday, after which it is expected the regulations will be implemented in May 2016.
“This move will prevent cigarettes being sold in attractive packaging, and help to protect the next generation of children and young people. Stopping children from taking up smoking is crucial – two thirds of current smokers started as children, and one in two long-term smokers will die from a smoking-related disease.”
“ASH Wales Cymru’s youth project, The Filter, works with young people all over Wales to give them the facts and filter out the myths about smoking. The project aims to educate and empower, never to rebuke or lecture. Plain packaging is another supportive move to protect our young people in Wales from the tobacco industry’s marketing techniques and another step towards a smokefree generation in Wales.”