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Port Eynon Beach joins Smoke-free Campaign

  • Port Eynon becomes Swansea’s third beach to join the Smoke-free Beaches campaign.
  • The campaign encourages visitors to not smoke via a voluntary no-smoking initiative.
  • The drive is to protect local wildlife and the environment from the harms of cigarette waste.
  • The latest annual survey from the Marine Conservation Society found that Welsh beaches held the highest amount of cigarette litter in Great Britain in 2021.

Port Eynon has become the third beach in Swansea to join the Smoke-free Beaches campaign, an initiative which seeks to limit the harms of cigarette waste on local wildlife and the environment.

As from April this year, visitors to the beach will be encouraged to not smoke via a voluntary no-smoking initiative, which will be signposted at the beach’s main entry points. The voluntary change will seek to reduce cigarette litter, in a bid to protect the coastline for future generations to come.

On a global scale 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are discarded each year, making cigarette butts one of the most littered items on earth. Cigarette butts take up to 12 years to breakdown and as they do they leach nicotine and heavy metals before turning into microplastic pollution. In addition, studies examining the toxicity of cigarette butts have found them to contain approximately 4000 harmful chemicals, which can ultimately seep into the environment. Research has shown that one cigarette butt left to soak in water for 96 hours will release enough toxins to kill half of the salt and freshwater fish that are exposed to it.

Cigarette butts remain a big problem in Wales, with the latest Marine Conservation Society survey revealing that Welsh beaches held the highest amount of cigarette butt litter in Great Britain. The survey found an average of 64.2 cigarette butts per 100 metres of Welsh beach in 2021, a stark rise from 9.5 in 2020 ,and  32.6 in 2019.

The new Smoke-free initiative has been spearheaded by tobacco control organisation ASH Wales, a charity which raises awareness on the harms of tobacco in Wales. The charity has worked closely with Swansea Council, who have shown support for the green initiative.

ASH Wales CEO Suzanne Cass has praised the Council for its proactive approach to the environment. She said: ‘’We are delighted that Swansea Council have taken proactive steps in protecting the coastline, which will aid wider efforts to create a greener and more sustainable Wales.

‘The smoke-free initiative will encourage visitors to think about how cigarette waste can affect the environment, and the wildlife that call the coastline home. I would encourage other councils across Wales to consider how they too can make a difference’’.

Beyond environmental benefits, research has shown that smoke-free spaces can reduce exposure to second-hand smoke, and can have a positive influence on social norms. In light of this, ASH Wales believe that the smoke-free initiative will create an environment that is safer and ultimately cleaner for visitors.

Last year, ASH Wales conducted a survey to measure local public opinion on the smoke-free initiative. The survey revealed that 92% of participants were supportive of Port Eynon becoming Smoke-free, when told of the environmental benefits this would hold. In addition, 96% of all the survey’s respondents agreed that cigarette waste negatively impacts sea life and the environment.

Anne Ellsmore, owner of the local business The Seafarer, praised the move and said: “Any initiative to limit the amount of cigarette litter our beach is a good thing, and will make it a nicer place to visit for tourists and locals alike’’.

To date, Langland Bay, Caswell Bay and Little Haven in Pembrokeshire have joined ASH Wales’ Smoke-free Beach campaign. It is thought that the addition of Port Eynon, one of the Gower peninsula’s most popular sites, will encourage other beach authorities to take similar green steps.

A spokesperson from Swansea Council said: “ The Council fully supports initiatives to protect the coastline for residents, visitors and for future generations to come.

‘We hope the voluntary initiative will encourage visitors to take the small steps needed to make a big difference in protecting our environment’’.

On a national scale, the Welsh Government has recently committed to reducing the environmental impact of smoking. The commitment was recently relayed in the new Tobacco Control Strategy for Wales, which aims to create a healthier smoke-free nation by 2030. Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Lynne Neagle, is overseeing the new strategy, and marked the importance of limiting the harmful effects smoking. She said: ‘It is vital that we recognise that smoking not only impacts our health, but can also impact our surroundings.

‘I fully endorse any body of work which highlights the environmental harms of cigarettes, and takes steps to limit these harms’’.


  • 5 trillion discarded cigarette butts stats can be found here, here and here.
  • Cigarette butts take 12 years to break-down stat found here, here, here and here.
  • Cigarette butt and microplastic pollution research can be found here.
  • Study examining cigarette butts effects on salt and fresh water fish found here.
  • Cigarette waste toxicity to animals, aquatic life and the environment found here, here and here.
  • Cigarette butt toxicity, 4000 chemical literature and stats can be found here, here and here.
  • Marine Conservation Society 2021 Survey results found here and here.
  • Studies showing smoke-free spaces reduce SHS and influence social norms, found here and here.

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