Welsh Smokers are choosing between smoking, heating, or eating, as the cost of living deepens in Wales.
Concerns have been raised by the health charity ASH Wales and Welsh NHS services, who have both seen a rise in smokers seeking support.
According to ASH Wales, smoking is not a habit but an addiction, which explains why smoking can lead many into financial hardship. For context, a packet of cigarettes now costs in the region of £12.
Research conducted by ASH has found that smokers now spend on average £2,451 a year on cigarettes, which is the cost equivalent of an average energy bill in Great Britain.
The high cost of cigarettes coupled with the high cost of living has caused many smokers in Wales to seek support.
According to the NHS stop smoking service at Hywel Dda University Health Board, there has been a rise in smokers who want to quit, in a bid to reduce spending.
Fiona Edwards, a NHS Smoking Cessation Practitioner working in Carmarthen, said:
“The cost of smoking is substantial, and in recent months we have seen many smokers access services as they are faced with choosing between smoking, heating, or eating.
‘Many people will think this an easy choice for smokers to make, however, it is worth noting that smoking is an addiction which often requires specialised intervention and support.
‘The current climate has prompted many smokers to seek help to reduce their spending.”
Helen Poole, a NHS Smoking Cessation Practitioner working in Cardiff has also seen a rise in smokers concerned with finances. She said:
“The cost of smoking is substantial and continues to be one of the main motivators for people to stop smoking.
‘The cost of living crisis is felt across Wales, and is acutely felt by those trapped in tobacco addiction.”
In light of the surge in smokers facing financial difficulty, the charity ASH Wales have launched a financial health campaign.
The ‘Switch, Quit and Save’ campaign and has been created in partnership with ASH Wales, Welsh money advice services, and local health boards.
The campaign signposts smokers to cheaper and less-harmful tobacco alternatives, such as e-cigarettes and nicotine gum.
The campaign also signposts smokers to the national stop smoking service, ‘Help Me Quit’, which offers free nicotine therapies and stop smoking support.
Suzanne Cass, CEO of ASH Wales, marked the benefits of stopping smoking. She said:
“The current climate is difficult for everyone, and it is especially hard on those trapped in the financial drain of smoking.
“Smoking is the leading cause of preventable illness and premature death in Wales, costing many lives and needless pounds .
‘I urge anyone to utilise the current climate as a springboard to improve finances and overall health by stopping smoking.”
Free specialist stop smoking support is available to all smokers in Wales, and can be accessed through Helpmequit.wales.
Case study:
Jordan Lee is a 25 year old housing officer living in Carmarthenshire. After joining the ‘Quit, Switch and Save’ campaign, Jordan has managed to stop smoking 9 cigarettes a day.
Jordan explained why he decided to become smoke-free.
“I am by no means penniless or destitute, but like many, I have been hit hard by the rise in bills’.
‘It actually got to a point where I was rationing my cigarettes over Christmas, to keep my costs down’.
‘Like any smoker, I found cutting down to be painful and extremely hard. Rather than drawing out the inevitable, I just had enough and decided to quit.
‘ I got hold of patches through my local pharmacy, and I am now 20 days smoke-free; which I am shocked but happy with. The parches were itchy to begin with, but they definitely reduced my cravings in the first few days.
‘ A lot of people will think that health is a primary reason for quitting smoking, but for me, paying £11-12 for a packet of cigarettes was an expense I could no longer justify, especially given how expensive everything has become.
‘The cost of living crisis is difficult for everyone, and for me it was the catalyst I needed to change.
‘While cost was a main motivator, I have noticed that my breathing has improved over the last two weeks.
‘My advice to anyone thinking of quitting would be: if you are serious about giving up smoking, your health and finances will thank you later down the line.”
Beyond finances, the benefits of stopping smoking are immediate. In as little as 72 hours breathing becomes easier and smoking debris begins to clear from the lungs.
After 1 year of quitting, the risk of a heart attack halves compared to a smoker. After 10 years of smoke-free, the risk of lung cancer also halves compared to a smoker.
- ASH UK research on smoking & poverty (with annual average spending estimates), found here.
- The health benefits of stopping smoking can be found here.
- The national stop smoking service, ‘Help Me Quit’, is found here.
- The ASH Wales ‘Quit, Switch & Save’ campaign, can be found here.