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COPD – a guide for smokers

This World COPD Day we’ve written a guide to smokers about COPD and why quitting the habit will be the best decision they make.

COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is a respiratory condition that affects more than 70,000 people across Wales.

It is actually the name for a collection of lung diseases including chronic bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive airways disease.  The main symptoms of the condition are increasing breathlessness, a persistent cough with phlegm and frequent chest infections.

Across the UK an estimated 1.2 million people live with COPD, making it the second most common lung disease in the UK after asthma.

Although it can sometimes affect non-smokers, smoking is the main cause of COPD accounting for around 9 in every 10 cases. Smoking causes COPD by irritating and inflaming the lining of the lungs causing scarring. Over the years this inflammation causes permanent damage to the lungs – the walls of the airways thicken and more mucous is produced.  As the delicate walls of the air sacs in the lungs are damaged the lungs lose their elasticity leading to emphysema.  Breathlessness, coughing and phlegm is the result of the airways becoming scarred and narrowed.

Many smokers dismiss these symptoms as just a ‘smoker’s cough’, which means the condition can go undiagnosed for years.  Early diagnosis is really important however as it means treatment can be given to try to slow the deterioration of the lungs so contact your GP if you have concerns.

If you smoke the single most important way to reduce your risk of getting the condition is to quit now.  If you’re a smoker who has been diagnosed with COPD then it’s really important that you give up to stop the COPD from getting any worse.

Although the damage smoking has caused to your lungs cannot be reversed the good news is that you can at least prevent any further damage by quitting the habit.

Research has shown that you are up to four times more likely to quit for good if you use stop smoking medication alongside receiving support from a specialised stop smoking advisor.  So why not take the first step by calling  Help Me Quit on 0808 278 2522 for free stop smoking advice and support.

Meanwhile you can read Ian’s story to find out more about living with COPD.

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