The leading organisation working towards
A smokefree Wales
Smoking is still the biggest preventable cause of ill health and death in Wales
Who We Are
Our mission is to achieve a smokefree Wales – defined as just 5% still smoking – by striving for strong tobacco control policy and bold campaigns across Wales.
Established in 1976, ASH Wales has long worked to raise awareness of the health, social and economic effects of smoking. We do this by working closely with communities, young people and partner organisations across Wales to create change for the better.
For the 13% of adults who are not yet smokefree in Wales, smoking is the leading cause of ill-health and early death, and a major cause of inequalities.
Our ambition is to see Wales become Smokefree with less than 5% of the adult population smoking by 2030.
We’re experienced and knowledgeable about tobacco control and smoking issues, and we’re happy to share our experience with others – contact us to learn more
What We Do
We communicate the big issues in Wales around smoking and tobacco to different audiences through creative messages and means
We bring together the organisations and individuals working in tobacco control, sharing best practice which to influence policy and research
We create and support campaigns for public health measures which will protect our various communities from the harms caused by smoking
We provide comprehensive support to organisations running smoking-related projects and campaigns; such as smokefree school gates and beaches
We advocate for equal, tailored quit smoking help and information for those who are not adequately represented within public health
We develop research and devise policy, projects and campaigns to champion Wales in becoming a smokefree nation