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A classroom full of children still start smoking in Wales every day with the poorest teens most likely to take up the habit

New figures released today reveal the gap in smoking rates amongst Wales’ richest and poorest teenagers has widened.

Mental Health, Smoking and Me?

Charlotte Harding, author of Welsh Mummy Blogs overcame the challenge of giving up smoking, despite suffering from mental health problems.

Mind over matter – why quitting smoking could improve your mental health

Did you know that quitting smoking could improve your mental health? To find out more, we’ve taken a

Depression and smoking – one woman’s journey to a smokefree life

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week we have asked ex-smokers who have experienced mental health problems to tell

Mental health and smoking: My story

Graham Morgan has an MBE for services to mental health and helped to write the Scottish Mental Health

From COPD to CEO – How a Diagnosis Transformed My Life

Ian Bond was a lifelong smoker before giving up 15 years ago. Shortly afterwards he was diagnosed with

Ten facts about second-hand smoke

Second-hand smoke (also known as passive smoke) is one of the biggest causes of lung cancer in people

E-cigarettes – facts and fiction

Misconceptions about e-cigarettes prevent many smokers from using them to give up smoking.  To help smokers to make

Campaign to stop parents from smoking on the sidelines kicks off with live ITV Wales broadcast

A campaign to stop parents from smoking on the sidelines at children’s football games, kicked off with a

From fag to fork – how smoking affects your diet and nutrition

Smoking affects your appetite, sense of taste and smell and ability to absorb vital nutrients. To explain why


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